Crunchy - SS Composite and PLA - QueenPongBoy Color Shift Silver


  • Listing Date: 2024-06-26
  • Source: Etsy
  • Quantity: Unknown


The QueenPongBoy offers an incredible ergonomic friendly sliding experience. While the KingPongBoy is for best suited for those with large/XL hands, the QueenPongBoy is a medium size design offering a more user friendly experience for those with Medium/Large hands.

Crunchy - Non Encapsulated
*Crunchiness May Vary

Utilizing a Hybrid magnet setup, including N52, to provide optimal functionality and ease of use.
*Amount of crunch may vary.

By placing an order you will receive 1 Slider.
*Photos may show multiple sliders for creative purposes only.
Due to the nature of 3d printing there can be imperfections.

Printed in PLA and PLA Metal Composite
The inner piece is also PLA Metal Composite offering a bit more weight than the Resin Editions.

Composite materials have a higher likely hood of having marks/scratches, rougher feel, and other noticeable aesthetic imperfections. I always strive for the highest quality of my product offerings, but with composite I WILL NOT be held responsible for anything other than functional sliding problems. DO NOT BUY THIS PIECE IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS!

*While my sliders are tested and designed to prevent plate stick, if plate stick does develop, place a piece of wax paper between plates and rub for about 20-30 seconds, slide tape will always work to resolve sticking plates but will provide a smooth sliding feel.